Coding Decoding - Letter CodingCoding Decoding - Direct Letter CodingCoding Decoding - Numbers Symbol CodingCoding Decoding - Matrix CodingCoding Decoding - SubstitutionCoding Decoding - Deciphering Message Word CodesCoding Decoding - Deciphering Number And Symbol Codes For MessagesCoding Decoding - Jumbled Coding
6.If the word PORTER can be coded as MBNZQN, how can REPORT be written? A) NQMNBZ B) NQMBNZ C) NBQMNZ D) NQBMNZ View Answer Report DiscussAnswer: Option BExplanation: Letter P O R T E Code M B N Z Q
7.If MINERAL is written as QRSTUVW and SOUND are written as ABCSD, then how will READER be written in the same code? A) SBFEFS B) UTVDTU C) TUDVUT D) QDZCDQ View Answer Report DiscussAnswer: Option BExplanation: Letter M I N E R A L S O U D Code Q R S T U V W A B C D
8.In a coding system, SHEEP is written as GAXXR and BLEAT as HPXTN. How can SLATE be written in this coding system? A) GPTNX B) GPTXN C) GPXNT D) PTGXN View Answer Report DiscussAnswer: Option AExplanation: Letter S H E P B L A T Code G A X R H P T N
9.If R is denoted by N, D is denoted by T, I by U, O by I, E by R, T by O, U by D, N by C and C by E, then how will the word INTRODUCE be written? A) UCONIDTER B) UCONITDER C) UNCONTIDER D) UCOINTDER E) None of these View Answer Report DiscussAnswer: Option BExplanation: I N T R O D U C E U C O N I T D E R
10.If the word EARTH be written as QPMZS in coded form, how can HEART be written following the same coding? A) SQPZM B) SQMPZ C) SPQZM D) SQPMZ View Answer Report DiscussAnswer: Option DExplanation:Observing the above question, we may notice that HEART consisted of the same letter as EARTH and the four possible codes are given ai alternatives also-consist of, the same letter codes as those in the code for EARTH. This indicates that this is a question bn direct coding.we have Letter E A R T H COde Q P M Z S So,code for EARTH becomes SQPMZ
Coding Decoding - Letter CodingCoding Decoding - Direct Letter CodingCoding Decoding - Numbers Symbol CodingCoding Decoding - Matrix CodingCoding Decoding - SubstitutionCoding Decoding - Deciphering Message Word CodesCoding Decoding - Deciphering Number And Symbol Codes For MessagesCoding Decoding - Jumbled Coding